If you feel that way, then it's time to spend the day together with intimacy and seriousness. you need to fire up intimate questions to ask your partner about your relationship. Like what is it about me that you like, why me, what is in it for me, what is in it for you, does it mean that your relationship is getting serious, what is your fantasy vacation with me.
You would also be thinking of coming up with the best gift for him. A one year anniversary gift for boyfriend can be really difficult especially if you are really not sure of the things that he likes or hates. For some people, a year is enough to get to know somebody but for others, that is not the case. Some couples have been together for a year but they are quite unsure as to what their partner prefer or dislike.
I have heard of the saying that you can not really know somebody entirely even if you have been with that person for a lifetime. It may be true or not true but in any case, there are ways to communicate effectively with someone, especially your partner. Being open to it is the first step. Also, being ready to accept criticisms from your partner can help in having a mutual understanding of things between you and him.
If you are not comfortable with communicating through conversation, writing it down on paper would also help. Writing is a also a form of communication and it is an alternative for those who can not express themselves personally to someone when they are emotional. Think of love letters to write to a boyfriend when you find yourself in this situation. This way, even if speech is not possible in your end, you can still convey what you feel towards him. Your relationship does not need to sacrifice just because you can not speak it. Write it, if you must.

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