Are you looking for a good gift idea for the man in your life? Are you never quite sure what to get him? Does he have t-shirts and ties you have gotten him hidden in the back of your closet? Even if your man is hard to buy for, there are great ideas out there. If you cannot think of a good gift for your man or are tired of giving him the same old thing, consider a gift basket. Most men have some type of hobby. It might be hunting, fishing, golf, or grilling out. No matter what your man likes to do, chances are you can find a gift basket that will make him happy!
You can purchase gift baskets online, but if you do not have enough time for it to be shipped, you can check your local stores. There may be stores that specifically make gift baskets listed in the phone book. If not, you might contact a local florist as many of them also make gift baskets for special occasions. If you cannot find a local shop and you do not have time to order online, do not panic. Making your own basket is easy enough. You can purchase a basket at any crafts store, use a blanket, apron, or paper to line it and stuff it full of goodies for your man!
Here are a few gift basket ideas:
Grilling Gift Basket
- Most men love to grill out. If this describes your man, a grilling basket is a great gift idea. You can fill it with many things but you may want to start with a cute apron. You can go with one that is a cute pattern, like fish, chili peppers, or camouflage. On the other hand, you may be able to find an apron with a cute saying like “Kiss the Chef” or one a little more risqué like “Barbecue Naked - Show Off Your Buns.” On top of that, you can place grilling utensils such as a fork, spatula, brush or tongs. You can also throw in your favorite bottle of barbecue sauce and a nice bottle of wine to enjoy when the grilling is done.
Fishing Gift Basket

- If your man likes to fish, he will love a customized Gone Fishing gift basket. Not only will he enjoy the items in the basket, but also know that in giving him this, you are also giving him a day of fishing! You can line this basket with paper and pile in all his fishing favorites. One nice item to add would be a portable fishing scale/tape measure so he can see exactly how big his catch is. You can also load the basket with scented bait, a trout blaster hook, lures, a bait dip net, a pair of Titanium Pliers – the possibilities are endless. You might even throw in the new reel he has had his eye on! You can also fill his basket with snacks for your angler like toasted sesame seed crackers, beef jerky, salted peanuts, and Oreo cookies. If you can find some cute fabric with fish on it, use that to make a bow on top of the basket.
NASCAR Gift Baske

- NASCAR fans love almost anything NASCAR gift related. You can fill your man’s basket with his favorite driver’s toy replica cars or a coffee cup with his favorite driver’s number and colors. You can add to the basket a hat, t-shirt, bumper stickers, coasters, magnets, or a key chain. Does your man like to play darts? There are even NASCAR darts! If you really want to give him something extra special, order tickets to his favorite NASCAR race ahead of time and hide those in his basket.
Hunting Gift Basket

- If your man likes to hunt, many things can be used to fill a gift basket. Look for picture frames of ducks, deer – whatever he likes to hunt. You may be able to find a clay pigeon letter holder, a bullet box he can keep on his desk to store paper clips, or a DVD on how to be a more successful hunter. You can peruse your local hunting goods store to get plenty of good ideas.
No matter what you man likes, he will love a basket filled with goodies of his favorite hobby or sport. He will also love knowing that you took the time to get him something you knew he would really enjoy!
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